“GEBT MIR BILDER!”: Am 500. Geburtstag von Petrus Canisius

Diocese Innsbruck, Austria

8.5. – 30.9.2021.

Projektleitung: Bischof Hermann Glettler, Inhalt und Konzeption der Ausstellung: Dr. Hubert Salden, Organisatorische Leitung:Karin Pernegger und Michael Schallner

Werke von: Michel Abdollahi, Hans Andre, Thomas Bayrle, Guillaume Bruère, Berlinde De Bruyckere, Christo, Eva Grubinger, Herbert Hamak, Wolfram Köberl, Zenita Komad, Zlatko Kopljar, Elke Silvia Krystufek, William Lamson, Clare Langan, Thomas Locher, Kris Martin, Olaf Nicolai, Adrian Paci, SUSI POP, Andrej Tarkowskij, Mark Wallinger, Franz Erhard Walther

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Setup of the K 19 by Zlatko Kopljar, Vatroslav Jagić Park, Varaždin

Vatroslav Jagić Park, Varaždin, Croatia


Reinterpretation of the K19, Kopljar’s anthological art installation in public space initially placed in Zagreb, in front of the Meštrović Pavilion in 2014, into permanent public sculpture in the city park in Varaždin against local synagogue, represents unique example of logical strategic choice and memorial sculpture settings in Croatia. This act is realized thanks to the initiative of Ivan Mesek, director of the Varaždin City Museum, and artist himself who donated the sculpture.

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Zlatko Kopljar – TENEBROSO

Museum of Fine Art, Varaždin, Croatia

Curated by Branko Franceschi

After a successful retrospective at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb, and according to the curatorial concept of art historian Branko Franceschi a befitting selection of Zlatko Kopljar’s works will be presented in accordance with the architectural style and smaller size of Varaždin’s museum’s exhibition halls. The name of the exhibition is a reference to the dramatic painting style of the same name introduced by the greatMichelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, which marked the beginning of the Baroque period. Varaždin known as Croatia’s baroque city and the baroque Sermage Palace converted into museum of fine art are an ideal setting to introduce tenebrism as a significant quality of Kopljar’s oeuvre. The exhibition presents works marked by the strong contrast of light and darkness, fierce action, and intensity of his worldview and art. It includes all the media Kopljar has employed during the three decades of his career, from an expanded understanding of painting, performance, objects and installations to photography and video.

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ART / WAR / TRANSITION (1990 – 1991 – 2000 – 2010 – 2020 – 2021)

29.7.–10.10.2020. MMSU / RIJEKA / CROATIA

Usred dramatičnih okolnosti pandemije „coronavirusa“ i neizbježnih promjena u realizaciji programa Europske prijestolnice kulture – Rijeke 2020., riječki Muzej moderne i suvremene umjetnosti odlučio je realizirati radikalan izložbeni projekt prezentacije ključnih momenata, segmenata, poetika, „medijalizacije“ i inovativnih umjetničkih praksa koje su se „prelamale“ i „križale“ na novijoj i suvremenoj riječkoj Art – sceni u posljednjih tridesetak godina.

Otvorenje izložbe i izmjene u postavu odvijaju se u fazama: 29. srpnja – 29. kolovoza – 29. rujna – 10. listopada.

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Who Summoned the Silence

1.6.–15.7.2020., MMSU / RIJEKA / CROATIA

The exhibition ‘Who Summoned the Silence’, whose opening is scheduled for June 1, offers a selection of works by local artists created over a period of a hundred years. Works created in media of painting, print, sculpture, photography, and video are connected by the same common thread – the notion of silence.

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