VULGATA. 77 Zugriffe auf die Bibel

Kulturzentrum bei den Minoriten, Graz

1.03. – 8.07.2017.

Curated by: Johannes Rauchenberger

Artists: Eija-Liisa Ahtila (FI), François Burland (CH), Julia Bornefeld (DE/IT), Guillaume Bruére (FR/DE), Gor Chahal (RU), Marta Deskur (PL), Julius Deutschbauer (AT), Josef Fink (AT), Dorothee Golz (DE/AT), Franz Graf (AT), Julie Hayward (GB/AT), Judith Huemer (AT), Jochen Höller (AT), Lisa Huber (AT), Zenita Komad (AT), Zlatko Kopljar (HR), Nina Kovacheva (BG/FR), Julia Krahn (DE/IT), Shimon Lev (IS), Gerhard Lojen (AT), Alois Neuhold (AT), Adrian Paci (IT/AL), Hannes Priesch (AT), robotlab (DE), Bettina Rheims / Serge Bramly (FR), Keiko Sadakane (DE/JP), Luis Sammer (AT), Claudia Schink (DE), Valentin Stefanoff (FR/BG), Michael Triegel (DE), Lidwien van de Ven (NL), Mark Wallinger (GB), Daphna Weinstein (IS/AT), Maaria Wirkkala (FI), Johanes Zechner (AT)

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Installation K19 by Zlatko Kopljar – Inscription of an Ethical Concept in Space

Nataša Lah / 2014

The recently-created spatial installation K 19 by visual artist Zlatko Kopljar, set up in downtown Zagreb, is directed through its meaning and content towards the remembrance of Holocaust victims. The installation consists of five sculptures, which are made from the bricks originally used to build the walls of the concentration camp at Jasenovac and then re-used for the construction of post-war houses. These same bricks have now been used to create the K 19 sculptures, which have been placed on bases created from standardized Euro-pallets used in construction.

Laid into horizontal courses, the bricks form vertical blocks with irregular upper surfaces, and, at the same time, place fragments of a fictitious whole in a semi-circular spatial ring of a monument-like character. Starting with the observation that the installation K 19 documents a specific historical situation possessing an unrepresentable narrative, the aim of the article is to demonstrate that this does not betray the nature of the medium chosen for this artwork. The article’s theory-based argument is rooted in a number of different interpretative strategies which study the anchoring of cultural representations in artworks by considering them as ethical concepts which are inscribed in a space. The article also highlights the processes of cognitive mapping within the set frame of a moral geography, as well as emphasizing the coupling of the contingency and conceptualization of heritage, but also the mnemopoetic perspectivism and intersubjective character of similar representations. By encouraging the meeting between “the seen and the read” as the meeting between “the visible and the expressible”, the article points to the effects of fictionalization and theatricalization which are present in this installation.

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Guljenje kože

Sandra Križić Roban / 1993

Radovi Zlatka Kopljara izloženi u Gliptoted HAZU svjedoče o naπim sudbinama s izričitom izravnošću i dirljivošću

U današnje vrijeme, u kojem i jesmo i nismo, opravdano se pitamo da li u umjetnosti i dalje pronalazimo ritual koji zbivanje podiže na neke drukčije razine prepoznavanja, ili smo prepuπteni snalaženju u kojem misaonu, socijalnu i političku realnost iščitavamo kao dio svakodnevnog vrtloženja. Pri promatranju djela Zlatka Kopijara izloženih u Gliptoteci Hrvatske akademje znanosti i umjetnosti postajemo svjesni koliko su rituali rijetki i koliko tema žrtvovanja izaziva najčešće samo primarne konotacije vezane uz zbilju unutar koje nema prostora za umjetnost.

Zapravo se čini da umjetnost. polako nestaje, da prostori koje je istraživala od postojanja ljudskog roda nemaju više ništa ponuditi. Sve je dovedeno u pitanje pa i postojanje čovjeka. Njegova krhkost i ranjivost preuzele su mjesto klasičnog shvaćanja herojskog. No ritual skidanja maski, doslovnog guljenja kože da bi se spoznala unutrašnjost, preživljavaju samo rijetki.

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