Miško Šuvaković / 2005
Rhetorical figures of the body by Zlatko Kopljar
Zlatko Kopljar’s works (performances, videos, photo-prints) were created in the 1990’s in a paradoxical confrontation between the current world’s micro- and macro-politics. Through the strategies and tactics of performance art, Kopljar problematized the relationship between the contemporary body and the contemporary world in the confrontation of the paradigmatic idealistic notions active-passive, aggressive-meditative, political-religious, materialistic-Christian, neoliberal-postsocialist, and local-global. His provocative mappings of the body/with the body comprise a wide span of presentations of bodily indexation ranging from behavioral expressiveness to rhetorical inexpressiveness. The symbolic knot of expressive lines of behavior and inexpressive positionings of the body presents a problem which he, as an artist responding to current events, places before the future and in relation to the past.