MER. Books

Book Launch, 11.06.2024 — 18:30 Wiels Brussels Av. Van Volxem 354, 1190  Forest free access

Join us for a conversation on art and politics between artists Luc Tuymans and Zlatko Kopljar and curator and author of the book Ory Dessau, followed by festive drinks and the possibility to meet and talk with the artists and the author.



GALUM Split, Hrvatska

10. 8. – 24. 9. 2023.

exhibition curators: Vanja Babić, Božo Majstorović

Artists: Ivo Deković, Sandro Đukić, Ivo Gattin, Đorđe Jandrić, Anto Jerković, Božidar Jurjević, Željko Kipke, Zlatko Kopljar, Ivan Kožarić, Jelena Lovrec, Dalibor Martinis, Mak Melcher, Davor Mezak, Marijan Molnar, Lav Paripović, Renata Poljak, Ivan Posavec, Damir Sokić, Goran Trbuljak, Gorki Žuvela

The multimedia-designed Four Elements exhibition includes works by artists of different generations who worked during the last third of the past century and the beginning of this century – from the gradual transition from the modernist to the postmodernist era until the present day. The exhibition draws its immediate inspiration from the philosophical concept of the ancient thinker Empedocles (5th century BC), who explained the entire appearance of nature and the world through four essential and eternal elements: Fire, Water, Earth and Air. Namely, Empedocles teaches that the visual and material characteristics of everything depend on the mutual interweaving or separation of the elements in different proportions. Aristotle would also adopt the thesis of the four elements, and thanks to the Aristotelian tradition, it would persevere in the Middle Ages. The same division also defined the system of the zodiac, whereby three out of twelve signs would make up the fire, water, earth and air groups. Thanks to the famous German art historian Aby Warburg’s efforts to unravel the metascientific zodiac key (by which the Renaissance frescoes in the Palazzo Schifanoia in Ferrara were programmed and executed), this astrological discourse would give birth to iconology, one of the most revolutionary and influential methods for interpretation of art.


Almisa Open Art Festival

Introspekcija, refleksija i interakcija

8.-12.08.2023 Omiš, Hrvatska

Suvremena umjetnost, posebice kada se izražava u javnom urbanom prostoru, ima moć transformacije i promicanja dijaloga između umjetnika, publike i okoliša u kojem djeluje. Festivali poput Almissa Open Art festivala služe kao plodno tlo za stvaranje novih radova koji zadiru u prostor javnosti, oblikujući našu percepciju i potičući nas na razmišljanje o različitim aspektima naše kulture, identiteta i vrijednosti.

Ovaj po mnogočemu poseban festival svake godine poziva drugog umjetnika da preuzme funkciju kustosa, čime se ona transformira i razvija u smjeru poništavanja granica između umjetničke produkcije, kuriranja i prezentacije, čime se redefinira definicija autora. Festival tako osigurava određenu nepredvidljivost programa, fluidan programski smjer i identitet, a stvara se platforma za zajednički rad kustosa, umjetnika, istraživača i publike putem novih modaliteta umreženih suradničkih praksi. Ove godine program je osmislio umjetnik Ivan Mesek na temu UMJETNOST (SAMO)IZLJEČENJA.

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Kud plovi ovaj oblak? – izložba iz zbirke MMSU


Umjetnici iz kolekcije: Igor Grubić, Zlatko Kopljar, Andreja Kulunčić (koautori: Trudy Lane, Gabrijela Sabol, Matija Pužar, Ivo Martinović), Siniša Labrović, Nika Radić, David Smithson, Izabela Peculić Stančić, Damir Žižić i Kristian Kožul, kolektiv „The Moving Crew“. Pozvani umjetnici: Petra Mrša, Zvonimir Pliskovac, Marina Rajšić.

Kustosice: Ksenija Orelj, Sabina Salamon; Suradnica: Ljiljana Kolešnik; Dizajn: Ana Tomić, Marino Krstačić-Furić

Danas je oblak središnja metafora interneta: globalni sustav velike moći i energije koji ipak zadržava auru nečega pojmovnog i numinoznog, nečega što je gotovo nemoguće shvatiti. (…) Navikavamo se oslanjati se na njega, a gotovo da nemamo pojma tome što mu povjeravamo i čemu to povjeravamo. (James Bridle, Novo mračno doba, Rad i misao, Rijeka-Zagreb, 2019.)

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Luc Tuymans and Zlatko Kopljar: MERCY

Galleria Vartai Vilnius LT

8.12. 2022 – 27.01.2023

Curated by Ory Dessau

Galerija Vartai presents Mercy, a joint exhibition by Zlatko Kopljar and Luc Tuymans, arranged as a sequence of shared and separate displays highlighting the iconoclasm and analytical complexity of these two artists. The exhibition juxtaposes Tuymans’ recent work in animation, where theinfluential painter has continuously expanded the conceptual scope of his practice, with a selection of works created by Kopljar throughout the last decades, combining performance, sculpture, video, and experimental cinema.  

The title Mercy is a plea. It presupposes an urgent need and a fundamental lack, situating the exhibition as an effect of loss and detachment manifested by Kopljar’s K20 Empty (2015) and Tuymans’ Monkeys (2021), which occupy the exhibition’s first room.  

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